TAGS & SODIAM Achieve Strong Result at Luanda Tender (July 2024)

Luanda, 24th July 2024 - Trans Atlantic Gem Sales (TAGS) & SODIAM are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of their second rough diamond tender of 2024 in Luanda.

Despite the current challenging conditions in the rough diamond market, TAGS management is delighted to report a 100% sell-through rate, with a total sales value of $21.6 Million across 33 lots (46 stones).

The tender welcomed nearly 40 international manufacturing companies and showcased an increased volume of goods from five mines.

The results once again exceeded expectations, with mines expressing enthusiasm to increase rough diamond volumes to be sold through tenders in the future. This achievement highlights the successful collaboration between SODIAM and TAGS.

Based on these outstanding results, we anticipate increased volumes of rough diamonds to be sold through tenders and a growing number of participating mines as the year progresses.

We look forward to building on the continued success of these tenders, and we believe this reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in the diamond industry in Angola.


TAGS Dubai Tender Report - August 2024


SODIAM & TAGS Tender Announcement (July 2024)